Aug 9, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

As a half Mexican/half native American, This is huge. Growing up in the west valley no one, and I mean no one, talked about hockey. The elementary school I went to was 98% Hispanic, and no one had a clue about hockey. Hopefully this really takes off

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Aug 9, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

Firstly; Awesome read and some really great insider information Craig

Secondly; Holy shit do I get the feeling that Murello just...gets it. I really proud of him as a team owner (which is a weird thing to say), but so grateful for what he is bringing to our team. As a father to a half-Mexican daughter, having a team that incorporates some of her heritage means a lot to me.

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It appears to be a significant thrust of this group, and it makes perfect sense.

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Aug 10, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

I wish they would have the public address announcer say things in both English and Spanish (just like Ottawa announces in both English and French). It might help draw more diverse fans and I think it would make for a more unique home atmosphere for the team.

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Good idea.

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Aug 9, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

Pretty smart move by the Coyotes (and one to be expected with Meruelo and Gutierrez at the helm).

If hockey wants to not be "that sport mostly dominated by white males in every aspect and therefore subject to the whims of said white males" (which isn't a great look in 2020, especially considering everything that's happened up to this point), the people running the show need to figure out how to get people that aren't white, men, or both to really and truly care about the sport without just paying lip service. It would certainly be apropos for change to start here, especially considering many of the things mentioned in the article: just how many Hispanic and Latinx people there are in Arizona, the name of the state and the team themselves being words derived from Spanish, the people in charge of the team, etc.

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Agreed on all counts.

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out of curiosity, do you know offhand if the Coyotes FO is making more of a push to hire Latinx or other ethnic-minority employees?

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Not sure.

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Aug 9, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

One, thank you thank you thank you for using “Latinx” in your article. I hope that kind of usage in the future continues to be widely used in more common media spaces.

Two, it’s about dang time. I was surprised to see Las Vegas start that outreach before us last year.

Three, that Los Tiburones design is /chef’s kiss

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Haha! I thought the Los Tiburones design was pretty sweet looking, too.

As for Latinx, I'm sure there are differing opinions out there, and I know the AP stylebook does not approve of my usage here, but that's the beauty of running my own site. I find it to be the most inclusive term so that is what I will use.

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Aug 9, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

To the point of your story...

We were running a Desert Hockey Development ball hockey clinic for kids at the Bonsall Park ball hockey "rink" in Glendale. We had a pretty decent turnout, but there's always room for more.

There was a group of three obviously related kids playing on the playground equipment in the park, two boys and the youngest, a girl. Mom was watching from a bit of a distance in the park, and from all appearances the family may have been living there.

The oldest guy kept looking over, interested in the hot dogs on the grill because they smelled great, like hot dogs on a grill always smell. But he was also clearly interested in the action on the rink.

So we wandered over and asked them if they wanted to play. The big brother, 9 or 10 years old, appeared unconvinced, but interested. We talked awhile, so the question "Have you ever played hockey?" was inevitable. His answer, though, was telling.

"No. We don't like hockey."

"What? Who is 'WE'?"

"Mexicans. Mexicans don't like hockey."

That's from a kid, in a period not far from the Raffi Torres days.

We fixed that problem with those three kids, at least for awhile. But there's a LOT more where they came from.

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I remember you recounting that story previously. You made an impact.

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Getting street hockey equipment into schools is really going to matter with that regard. The Coyotes donated street hockey equipment to all the elementary schools (and a couple of high schools...though that is off the record) in the Peoria Unified School District, where I used to work. All of the PE teachers were so excited for the skills workshop the hockey development folks did, and by all accounts, the kids have loved playing in gym class. In one school, the PE teacher used DonorsChoose to get ministicks for the PK-2nd grades because they were jealous of the little kids.

The schools in south Peoria and Glendale range from about 60% to about 85% Hispanic and Latinx, and all but two are Title I (low income). To get kids interested, a lot of teachers drew parallels between hockey and soccer, and once the kids realized that a lot of the principles are the same, that hockey just moves faster, they were hooked.

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I grew up in a town where I was one of about 6 people who played ice hockey in NY, but everyone loved those 2 weeks that floor hockey was played in PE. Doing something like this with the elementary schools and tying it to a weekend game they could attend would be great. Building more outdoor rinks across the valley, without the tile to keep costs down (coated cement/asphalt) would be a good middle ground and quantity is more important to quality at this point. I called the YMCA in El Mirage because I was trying to find out if I could skate at the rink when it was open with a general membership and the person I spoke to was unaware they even had it on their property. Overall the Coyotes do quite a bit and have some great leadership already, but there is more to do and feel that others (LA/Ana/TB/Dallas/Vegas) have realized the benefits of investment on a greater scale.

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I totally agree. I'd like to see them work more with roller hockey at Peoria Sportsplex than they currently do (which is a little bit).

And that PE thing is important. When I was in elementary school in the late 70s/early 80s, my PE teacher was one of very few diehard hockey fans in Pittsburgh. We played hockey in gym class at least a couple of times a month. None of us knew anything about hockey at this point (this was pre-Lemieux, who was drafted when I was going into 8th grrade), but man...it was fun. I loved it because it was the only time I wasn't picked last in gym class because I was willing to play goalie.

But that got me doing research about hockey (because I was a nerd, and the library was my first stop always), watching games on the rare times they were on TV and there was nothing my parents wanted to watch, and listening to Mike Lange on the radio. I went to my first game the season before Lemieux was drafted with my mom (there was a coupon in the Pennysaver for $5 adult tickets and $3 tickets for kids under 18), and I was hooked, even though they were so bad that season.

But none of that would have happened if it weren't for Mr. Q, my hockey-loving gym teacher.

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Aug 11, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

For years, I've failed to understand how the economics of running a rink don't work in Tucson. It's a big enough of a metro area, with an AHL team, a major university club hockey team, and a youth hockey organization. If you sprinkled in a camp here, a tournament there, perhaps setup an adult hockey league, maybe partnered with a figure skating group, and set up a learn to skate program... you could fill a schedule's worth of ice time. Build it in a modern insulated structure with a modern, economical chilling system, and throw in some consistent revenue stream space like the stores and restaurants we see at the Scottsdale Ice Den. How has this not happened?

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Money is the simplest answer. Nobody has been willing to invest in it, but clearly it has to happen in the state’s second largest city

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Aug 11, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

I'd have to think the investors are there, they just haven't been asked. Gutierrez seems to be motivated, and would be a good front person for such solicitations. The team has a vested interest in getting a permanent ice surface for its AHL team, I'd think.

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They have been asked. Anthony LeBlanc tried to get this done before, but ran into political hurdles, plus disagreements on who should invest what.

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I've done just enough fundraising to know that who does the asking is almost (if not more) important than the pitch itself. Team executives with Latinx backgrounds may be the key difference which makes this successful.

Time will tell if the Covid economic recession has damaged Mereulo's pocketbook to the point of hamstringing initiatives like this. He certainly doesn't need to be the only one writing a check, or even be the major investor, but putting some of his startup capital on the table would attract others.

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Aug 10, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

Arizona's Hispanic heritage is rich and very deeply ingrained - it's so much a part of this state. I do see a diverse crowd at games - I don't think it would take much to get more people really involved.

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Aug 9, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

Great article !

A push for LatinX inclusivity would definitely be a big plus here in Tucson ... I think It would push our attendance towards sellout levels and raise the STM level as well.

I've been telling Bob Hoffman that we need a 'Dia De Los Muertas' Roadrunners specialty jersey for three years now, no luck so far.

Maybe this season !

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Sure would make sense, unfortunately, they won' be playing on Halloween this season with the season being delayed.

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Should also do "Buck bash" nights w/ $1 tacos n Modellos! That would rock!!!

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Aug 9, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

Great article Craig. I love that we as a franchise are trying to actively reach out to the LatinX community and expand our community presence and cultural inclusion. I think the new leadership's ambition and determination to make that happen is awesome and inspiring.

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It is clearly an opportunity.

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Aug 9, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

It’s things like this that really make you believe in their commitment to this market. Even after all the off-ice drama a few weeks ago, this really makes me feel good about their desire and commitment to the franchise and the community. Amazing piece!

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Thank you.

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Aug 9, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

Thank you so much for this report, Craig. I have two coworkers who are Latinas and I engage with them often on this specific topic. I turned them into Coyotes Fans, and I engage with them often on the outreach, social content and anything they believe could better serve this demo.

I assure you, this story will be a discussion topic tomorrow at work 👍

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Thanks, Joe.

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Aug 9, 2020Liked by Craig Morgan

Great read, Craig. Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Ask most people around the valley that play ice hockey “what got you into hockey” and 8/10 times you’re going to hear “roller hockey”. Definitely a cheaper/ smaller commitment to get introduced into hockey. As you did in the article, look at LA/SoCal. Roller hockey is still booming there and encouraging more kids to try to sport and ease the transition into ice hockey, if the interest is there.

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Yep, it is part of the plan, as it has been since the Coyotes arrived here.

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The Tucson community is dying for permanent ice so it's great to hear that Gutierrez has already recognized that need. Anybody who can put down a sheet or two within spitting distance of the I-10 ought to do fairly well, and some partnership between the Coyotes, Roadrunners and UofA is a slam dunk. Excellent article Craig!

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Murello should really reach out to the Mexicans. I've been saying that for years. Totally untapped market.

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