A story that consists of just user-submitted beer league stories would be awesome. I've also looked at the possibility of doing that road trip to watch the Coyotes play in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, so I've got some jealousy there. Great write-up, Craig.

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It was such a blast! I absolutely loved Ottawa, despite the weather while we were there, but would highly recommend the trip. The tickets to the leafs game were not cheap, but the other two were reasonable.

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I'll never forget the Montreal-Jets game I went to at the Bell Centre a couple years back. Jets were playing for playoff positioning, Montreal was out of it. I wore my Doan kachina...the Montreal fans were great, the Jets fans wouldn't stop heckling me, though I sat next to a pair of Jets fans that were amazing. Great food and amazing atmosphere. Sat in the 2nd to top row and it was a glorious seat. One of these days, I'm gonna follow the Coyotes through there.

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Nice, Clancy. Sounds like you have got your life in order...NOW make an honest effort to marry that girlfriend. She puts up with your hockey, come on, step up...And as far as the view from your office, sorry no picture, cant believe till one is posted....

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Oh, I am fully aware of how lucky I am! I am working on it, hopefully soon!

As for the pic, we’re not supposed to be back in the office until June at the earliest so it may be a bit.

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Thank you for introducing us to another fan. My husband was born and raised in Phoenix and learned to skate at 19 years old but continued to play at Oceanside and then Polar Ice for 30 years. I agree with the other person that you could fill an article with just beer league stories. We can't drive in snow so we followed the Coyotes to Florida. The players seem to appreciate seeing Coyotes jerseys during warm ups.

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Enjoyed the article, My, son, wife and I went to a Coyotes game In Nashville 3-4 years ago and the fans were pretty good to us - but they beat us so there’s that. We went to a dive bar before the game and we were the only people in it. I felt sorry for the one man guitar/singer as we only ended up there because all the other places were so packed! We also ate bbq in a place that I swear was in an alley - to die for. We’ll be back! Hope you have checked out the plantations too, I thought they would be boring, they were fantastic.

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Say hi to your teammate "dad" for me LOL. Ryan's dad here. We live in U.P. Michigan "hockey town" now. Was cool to read your story here. Good ole Roadrunners days.

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My sister and brother in law from southern Indiana, went to visit Grand Ole Opry in Nashville once. They know nothing of hockey and stopped off in a bar on Preds home night after the show at the Opry.

I got a call from my sister in a highly excited state describing the packed bar filled with Predators jerseys.

The entire block of bars were packed with Predators jerseys she said.

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